20/03/2005 : New PhotosThe night began round young Simons house - we had to make a quick trek over to the One Stop opposite The Rose as the bloody Tesco's had run out of booze (don't they realise that most of their custom is from drunks?) Suitably Stella'd up (or Carling if you're the Praines... disgusting stuff) we spent a few hours up in Neils room where mork played the arcade games with gay abandon. Suitably bored (after being subjected to Casualty by Neil) we made our way to the Rose for a few jars, after storing the booze for later round Haylelys house. And for once I won on the fruit machine! Yay me. By this time mork was well and truly off his face. Nothing out of the ordinary I suppose, but very amusing. After being kicked out at 11.20pm, we made the long walk to Jim's house (all except mork and Nikki.... frankly I'm surprised mork hadn't drowned in a pool of his own vomit by this time, but after talking to him today it would seem that he's still alive) where the celebrations were being held for Michael Campbell's 24th birthday. There we drank some more, and the more adventurous ate some of the cold meat leftover from the barby. I buggered off at 1am, so haven't the faintest what happened after that... Simon was still there though, so I'm sure it was funny!